home gym with equipment in basement

Who would’ve thought in a million years that we’d find ourselves at the tail end of a Pandemic?  The entire world shut down and with it went schools & sports, bars & restaurants, hair & nail salons …and of course, every gym and exercise facility on the planet.  So, what do you do to keep in shape and stay healthy when your gym is closed indefinitely?  You either sell your soul and get your hands on a Peloton (JK) or you scrap together whatever you can use as a weight and keep your workouts going! 

Well, good news guys!  We’re no longer in a Pandemic and most equipment has been restocked!  I’m going to show you how easy it can be to get your own, personal home gym up and running (pun intended hehe).

First things first, you’ll need a space.  Make sure it is covered wall to wall with mirrors and maybe a nice, expensive hardwood or rubber flooring.  I mean, only the best will do, right? TOTALLY KIDDING!!  I’ve been an In-Home Personal Trainer for almost 20 years and, while I’ve worked in some amazing home gyms, you really don’t need anything fancy to get the job done.  Most people choose to workout in a basement (finished or unfinished, doesn’t matter), a bedroom or even a living room.  I worked with a client who turned a large walk-in closet into her “cozy” home gym.  My personal gym is in my garage.  My unfinished, shelving lined concrete floored garage.  And you know what…I absolutely love it!  What matters is you have enough room for the workouts you enjoy and that you also feel comfortable.  So, find yourself a space and let’s get building!

Next, we need to talk about equipment.  Decide what types of workouts you will be performing.  For example, a person interested in bodybuilding will, obviously, need different equipment than the mom trying to lose 10 pounds.  So, let’s say you want to follow along to your favorite Instagram or YouTube trainer and you just need the basics.  Here’s a list of things to get you started:

Yoga mat

Choose a mat that is thick enough to offer some cushion for your joints but also thin enough so you’re not sinking in while doing squats.  A quick tip – keep your feet off your mat while doing high-impact cardio exercises (like mountain climbers) to protect your mat from damage.

Resistance Bands

These are a great addition to any home gym.  Bands help to provide resistance and strength building and are also super easy to throw in a bag and travel.  You can purchase a set of 5 interchangeable bands on “that” website (begins with an A, ends with a mazon) for less than $20. Check out these Resistance Bands from Amazon.

woman wearing a sports bra exercising

Stability Ball

This wonderful piece of exercise equipment is not only inexpensive but also serves double duty. With a stability ball, you can perform almost any exercise you would do on a bench with the added benefit of working your core at the same time! It takes up less space than most benches and is extremely mobile.


I, personally, suggest to all my clients to stock their home gyms with some dumbbells. While dumbbells can be pricey when you get up into the heavier weights, the lighter ones will be more affordable. My suggestion is to start out small and add as you get stronger. You don’t need to spend $1000 on a complete set of dumbbells when you can start with 5s, 8s, 10s, etc.

Medicine Ball

Medicine balls are basically weighted basketballs.  They range in size and weight and some even come with filled with sand.  Very versatile, very fun to work with.

Jump Rope

Jump ropes are a wonderful tool to help with Cardiovascular work. These are also very easy to to take while traveling.

Obviously, there are endless pieces of equipment for people to add to their home gyms. New pieces and fads are presented almost daily. This list is intended to get you started with some basic pieces of equipment and to help on your journey toward a healthier lifestyle.

Well, now that you’ve got your space and some tools to get started, the most important part of any home gym is USAGE!! Make sure to set aside time for yourself to take advantage of this wonderful space you’ve designed. Whatever your motivation…never forget why you started this in the first place. Good luck with your fitness journey and remember…LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE!

Please feel free to leave a comment below or reach out if you have any comments or questions.

One response to “Create your own home gym”

  1. […] you don’t have a Jump Rope (I highly suggest you get one…check out my Home Gym post), you could do “Faux Jump Rope” or even Jumping […]