You might not want to hear this…

details for dumbbell on paved ground


Skipping workouts?

Not sticking to a routine?

Results come from showing up consistently, not just when it’s convenient. Fitness is not a “quick fix” type of situation. It takes time to build the body you want.

You need to show up when it’s hard, when it’s not convenient, and when you don’t feel like it.

You’re Not Lifting Heavy Enough

If you’re always reaching for the lighter weights, it’s time to challenge yourself.

Progress comes from pushing yourself past your own limits.

Find a weight (with proper form) that makes you struggle.

You’re Not Fueling Properly

You can’t out-train a bad diet.

Make sure your nutrition matches your goals – balance those macros!

Weight and measure everything! Most people over-estimate their intake. Be sure to track everything – condiments, dressings, oils, etc.

You’re Not Taking Proper Rest

Over-training can stall progress.

Your muscles need time to recover and grow, so don’t skimp on sleep and rest days.

You’re Stuck In A Comfort Zone

Doing the same workout every week?

Your body adapts quickly. Mix up your program with new exercises, a new split, new weights or intensity levels.

Programs should last around 6-12 weeks.

If you’re not seeing the results you want, one (or more) of these could be the culprit.

Face it head on, click the Contact Us link and get started today!

Let’s do it together!