unrecognizable woman holding pumpkin in hands

“The Journey To Stronger Muscles Passes Through Sore Muscles”  ~Invajy

Halloween is a time for ghosts and goblins, treats and candy.  What better way to burn off all those treats and candy than with a Halloween WOD? 

Listed below are 2 different styles for this workout.  The first is a less-advanced workout and the second is a “Kick Your Butt” kind of workout.  You can try each workout as designed, or you can mix and match according to your Fitness level.  Whichever route you go, I’m sure you’ll love both Halloween WODs!

Make sure you begin every workout with a Dynamic Warm-up.  According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), a Dynamic Warm-up “is a specific warm-up that involves less intense movements similar to the sport or activity about to be performed.”  So, include a couple of the exercises in the workout to warmup, just at a slower, less intense pace and/or weight.

man working out

Halloween WOD #1

10  Plank Walkouts

31  Squats

10  Push-ups (any style you can comfortably perform)

31  Alternating forward Lunges

10  Overhead Dumbbell Shoulder Presses

31  Jumping Jacks

10  Dumbbell Bent over Row (5 each arm)

31  Alternating Step Ups (Using stairs or a chair/box)

10  Squat Thrusts 

31  Mountain Climbers

10  Dumbbell Lateral/Shoulder raises

31  Plie Squats

10  Push-Ups (yes, again!)

31  Supermans

10  Dumbbell Bicep Curls

31  Hip Thrusters

10  Tricep Dips (off the stairs or a chair/box)

31  Sit-Ups (any style you’re comfortable with)

10  Deadbugs

31  seconds of Plank

If you aren’t familiar with some of these exercises, check out YouTube for video demonstrations.  You can also CONTACT US, or comment below and we will be more than happy to help in any way. 

jack o lantern

Next, is the “Kick Your Butt” style Halloween WOD. If you are willing to try this intense workout but aren’t comfortable with 1 or a couple of the exercises, feel free to substitute with something you are more familiar. You can also mix and match with the above WOD to make your own, personal Halloween WOD!

Halloween WOD #2

10  Burpees

31  Dumbbell Suitcase Squats

10  Push-Up to Plank Row

31  Jumping Lunges

10  Dumbbell Push Presses

31  Kettlebell Swings (you can use a DB if a Kettlebell is unavailable)

10  Plank Walkouts

31  Box Jumps (Dumbbell Step-Ups if a box is unavailable)

10  Devil’s Press

31  Jumping Jacks

10  Dumbbell Thrusters

31  Plank Jacks

10  1 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges

31  Push-Ups

10  Donkey Kicks

31  2 Dumbbell Sumo Squats

10  Dumbbell Deadbugs

31  2 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

10  Dumbbell V-Ups

31  Hollow Rocks

Again, if you’re not familiar with any of the exercises listed, hop on YouTube and look for a demonstration video.  Please mix and match as your Fitness Level requires but be sure to push through as hard as you can.  The harder you work, the more calories you will burn and the more muscle you will build. 

As always, please comment below and let us know what you think!

All exercise involves a level of risk and this or any other exercise program many result in injury. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional.  Please consult your Physician before beginning this, or any other exercise program.  FittHappens assumes no responsibility for any injury incurred while performing this or any other exercise program.