woman holding exercise ropes
woman holding exercise ropes

First, you might ask…what is Metabolism and how do I increase Metabolism? Well, I could answer this question a few different ways.  I promise I won’t give you the college lab report answer & I’ll try to make it as fun and easy to understand as possible. 

Basically, Metabolism is a complex process where your body converts everything you eat and drink into Energy.  See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?  Here’s where it gets a little complicated. Metabolism is partly genetic.  Some people hit the genetic lottery and inherit a fast Metabolism while others inherit a slower Metabolism.  Some people will also inherit metabolic disorders like Cushing’s syndrome (reduction in Insulin sensitivity) and Hypothyroidism (under-active Thyroid).  Wherever you fall in the gene pool, there are ways to influence how your body will break down and store energy.

I’m sure you’ve heard the term BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate.  BMR is the number of calories your body needs to keep everything functioning at rest.  It keeps your lungs breathing, your organs functioning, hormones leveled, etc.  It will be different for everyone and is based on body composition, age and sex.  There are calculators online to figure out your BMR, or feel free to reach out and FittHappens can calculate it for you.  It’s a helpful tool whether your goal is to lose, maintain or gain weight.  Keep in mind though, you should NEVER eat less than your BMR.  Think of your body as a car.  You wouldn’t expect to drive across country if you didn’t put enough gas in the tank, right?

OK, now that you understand the basics about Metabolism, let’s dive into how we can REV IT UP to get the most out of your diet and workouts!

Metabolism is a complex process where your body converts everything you eat and drink into Energy. 


Losing and gaining weight is, on the simple end, calories in versus calories out.  On the complicated end, CALORIES IN COUNT!  Obviously, if I eat 1000 calories of potato chips and 1000 calories of Brussel Sprouts my body will metabolize that differently.  You need to create an energy deficit (with good, nutritious foods) to lose weight.   Here’s a list of some healthy foods to help get that Metabolism going:

  1. PROTEIN. PROTEIN. PROTEIN.  It is the most effective nutrient to get your metabolism going.  It helps your body hold onto & build muscle tissue and helps to keep you feeling fuller, longer.  Meat, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds are all wonderful Protein choices.
  2. CHILI PEPPERS & SPICY FOODS.  Studies have shown that the Capsaicin in hot peppers actually increase the rate at which your body uses energy and also helps to burn fat stores. Capsaicin can help burn an extra 50+ calories per day!
  3. DRINKING TEA helps to increase Fat Oxidation which means more stored Fat is broken down and used for energy.  Who doesn’t want more FAT BURN?!
  4. DRINKING 270mg OF COFFEE can burn an extra 100 calories a day.  Keep in mind, though, the body is an amazing machine.  Once it gets accustomed to the extra caffeine, it’s effectiveness will lessen.
  5. Adding Ginger, Apple Cider Vinegar and Seaweed have also been shown to increase metabolic rates.


Water is an essential nutrient.  Your body needs water to process calories, maintain organ function, promote the digestion and transportation of nutrients and maintain body temperature.  It is recommended that the average adult needs ½ ounce to 1 ounce of water per pound of weight, every day.  That means, if you weigh 100 pounds, you need 50-100 ounces of water each day.  It sounds like a lot but here’s a trick…snack on things like fruits and vegetables instead of chips.  Fruits and Veggies contain water!!  If you don’t like the taste of water, try adding some lemon or frozen berries.

clear drinking glass


I mean, the term CRASH DIET even sounds awful, right?  A crash diet is defined as “drastically reducing calorie intake to 800 – 1200 calories per day”.  I can guarantee that just about every adult on the planet has a BMR over 800-1200 calories per day.  Remember what we said about BMR…keep your gas tank from getting into E!!  Crash diets will help you to lose weight short term but you will also lose muscle tissue and you will, ultimately, gain weight back faster.


The recommended amount of sleep for adults is between 7 to 9 hours each night (day if you’re one of those wonderful people keeping the world moving in the dark).  Get less than that and it will trigger a cortisol increase in your body causing an increase in appetite.  Not just in appetite, though, it causes an increase cravings for sugary, sweet, fatty and salty foods.  Try implementing a routine for nighttime which could include decreased screen time, chamomile tea or some relaxing Yoga.


Harder workouts = increase in Metabolism! There are SO many ways to step up and increase the intensity of your workouts.  For Cardio based workouts, you could add in an extra mile on your walk/runs.  You could go for more intensity and increase your speed.  Try adding in some HiiT based Cardio workouts (EMOMs are one of my favorites).  If you belong to a gym, get on that Step Mill (aka the Devil Machine) you’ve been eyeing up.  For Strength workouts, try adding some more weight to your Bench Press or Squat.  Maybe add in a whole new set or try some Tempo work.  THE MORE MUSCLE YOU BUILD, THE MORE FAT YOU WILL BURN!  It’s literally that simple.  Muscle burns more calories than fat so…GET TO BUILDING!

woman pushing barbel using her feet

A boost in Metabolism is the Holy Grail of Health and Fitness.  I mean, who doesn’t want more “Bang for their Buck”.  If you implement some and/or all of these strategies you’ll be on your way.  The most important part to any exercise program is that you stick with it.  Sometimes progress can be slow but slow progress is still progress.  You are closer today than you were yesterday so keep at it!

Please feel free to leave your comments or any questions below.