female office worker relaxing with feet on table

“Slouching at your Desk not only looks unprofessional,

but it increases the risk of injury to your Neck and Spine”

According to the American Chiropractic Association, good posture is “The correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity”.

Benefits of Good Posture include:

· A reduction in pressure on the Vertebrae helping to maintain a life free from back pain.

· Better circulation resulting in more energy and increased productivity.

· Less mental fatigue due to the increase in activity level.

· Improved weight management and an increase in calories burned.

man browsing on laptop

Slouching at your desk not only looks unprofessional, but it also increases the risk of injury to your Neck and Spine. 

Some of the dangers of Bad Posture include:

· A weakened core resulting from sitting with your legs/feet crossed, rounding your shoulders, etc.

· Neck & Back pain from looking down at monitors and screens (yes, including your smartphone).

· Poor Digestion from the decreased blood flow/circulation.

· Reduced Oxygen to your Brain and Heart causing organ malfunction (decreased circulation).


1.Get a Standing/Ergonomic Desk!

Studies have shown that 65 percent of subjects who got standing desks reported an increase in productivity, and 47 percent said pain in their upper back, neck, and shoulders had improved.  Try this electric model from EFFYDESK.  You could also try a desk “add on” like this one from AMAZON if you don’t want to commit to a new desk.

laptop on a standsome

2.Replace your Work Chair with an Exercise/Stability Ball

A Stability ball will help to keep your back straight while strengthening your core.  You can also purchase bases with wheels to turn your ball into a rolling work chair.

3.Practice Proper Ergonomics While Sitting and Standing

While seated:

· Keep both feet flat on the ground, do not cross legs or ankles

· Keep your back against the back rest of the chair

· Use a Lumbar pillow if you need the extra support

· Relax your shoulders, do not slouch forward

· Look directly ahead at the screen which should be at eye level to avoid neck/back pain

· Forearms should be at a 90 degree angle to avoid elbow and shoulder pain

While standing:

· Adjust your Standing Desk so your elbows are at a 90 degree angle

· Keep a “Neutral Spine” meaning your head tall, shoulders relaxed and a slight bend in your knees

· Make sure to keep your wrists straight, not pointed upward or down

· The optimal time for standing desk usage varies between 2-4 hours per day

4.Movement or “Deskercise”

Try to get up and move for 5-10 minutes, every hour throughout the course of the day.  This could be as simple as walking a lap around the office or taking a quick trip to the rest room.  This quick burst of activity will help you to improve your mood and mental health, burn calories, build muscle and strong bones (keeping Osteoporosis at bay) and help with overall joint health. 

Please check out my other post DESKERCISE if you would like specific exercises and stretches that you can do at home or in office to help throughout your day


This may be the most important piece of advice I can give.  If you are suffering from back pain and nothing seems to be working, look at yourself in the mirror.

  1.  Are your shoulders rounded forward (are you slouching throughout the day)?
  2. Does your head tilt forward (is your monitor too low)?
  3. Is there a large curve in your lower back (are your hips tilted forward, aka Anterior Pelvic Tilt)?
  4. Are one (or both) of your shoulders raised (do you speak on the phone leaning on your shoulder)?

If you answered yes to one or all these questions, your back pain relief could come in the form of fixing your posture.  Please reach out if you would like some help and/or relief!  Contact us today!