close up of christmas decoration hanging on tree

Not sure what it is about a Christmas workout but I absolutely love a holiday theme! It makes me work harder, sweat more and I always feel so much better when it’s over. Maybe it’s the feeling of accomplishment. Maybe it’s just become a holiday tradition and once the 25 Days of Christmas workout hits, it means Christmas is that much closer. Whatever it is, I know you won’t regret this workout and I hope you’ll make it a part of your holiday tradition year after year.

The 25 Days of Christmas workout is a huge mix of exercises. There’s some cardio, some strength work along with some really great core work. It is such a great mix of exercises and I’m sure it won’t disappoint!

woman holding exercise equipment

For this workout, you’ll need a couple Dumbbells, a Kettlebell (if you have it, if not no worries), a mat if you prefer for core work and a box/step (or set of stairs). I also make sure to have a stopwatch handy as I like to time myself each year and try to beat last year’s time. It’s a great idea to keep a journal so you can log workout times and things like 1 rep max weights. It’s a great tool to go back and see your progress throughout the year or even year to year.

The 25 Days of Christmas workout is 25 exercises long and you’ll perform 25 reps of each exercise. There are no scheduled rest times but, please, take breaks as needed. If you feel that you do need to take a rest, make sure your rest period is only 15 -20 seconds long. The point of this workout is to keep your Heartrate elevated throughout so be aware of how long you’re resting. Twenty-five reps might be outside your normal range so, break up the set if needed. Personally, I like to have a shorter back end than front end so I would probably use a “15 reps, rest, 10 reps scheme”.

25 Days of Christmas Workout

25 Goblet Squats (with 1 DB or Kettlebell)

25 Pushups

25 Kettlebell Swings (or 1 DB)

25 alternating Lunges (with DBs)

25 Plank Jacks

25 Squat Jumps

25 Thrusters (with 2 DBs)

25 Donkey kicks (or Butt kicks)

25 alternating DB Snatches (1 DB)

25 Split Squats (or 26 if that will drive you crazy Lol)

25 Burpees

25 Deadlifts

25 Jumping Jacks

25 Side Lunges

25 alternating DB Step Ups (with 2 DB)

25 Mountain climbers

25 Breakdancers

25 Plank Rows

25 Curtsey Lunges

25 Situps (with DB)

25 Russian Twist (with DB or KB)

25 V ups

25 Plank in & outs

25 Bicycles

25 Plank Hip Twist

If you are unsure about any of the exercises listed, hop on YouTube for videos & demonstrations of everything listed above. If any of these exercises are outside of your comfort zone, please replace it with something you’re more comfortable performing. If you need suggestions on replacements, please CONTACT US and we’ll be more than happy to set you up with another option.

As always, feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think and how you did performing the 25 Days of Christmas workout! I hope you love this workout as much as I do! Have a wonderful Holiday season!

~~ Dani

All exercise involves a level of risk and this or any other exercise program many result in injury. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional.  Please consult your Physician before beginning this, or any other exercise program.  FittHappens assumes no responsibility for any injury incurred while performing this or any other exercise program.