wrapped presents

Maintain the 80/20 rule. Stick to your diet & exercise program 80% and indulge 20% of the time.

I know, I know…Halloween is barely in the rear view BUT the Holiday season is right around the corner and we, probably, should be prepared. The end of the year is a wonderful time for gatherings and parties, Family and Friends. It also brings with it stress and busy days, and over-indulging on food, treats and festive cocktails. So, how do you stay on track during the holidays? How do you fight off the over-indulgence and stay on your workout programs and diets? These 10 tips will help you stay on track during the holidays!

Here are some things I’ve learned through the years.

If you can’t incorporate all 10 tips, try implementing at least a few and remember…small progress is still progress.

top view of table set up for christmas dinner
  1. Maintain The Right Mindset. Try to stay away from the “All or Nothing” way of thinking. You don’t need to stick to your diet and workout program 100% of the time. Don’t be too hard on yourself for having a cookie or missing one workout. Accept that cookie or that missed workout & hop back on that train tomorrow! If you don’t make it a habit (i.e. missing EVERY workout or having a cookie EVERY day) you’ll be totally fine.
  2. Find A Healthy & Sustainable Balance. Try to follow the 80/20 rule. Stick to your exercise program and your diet 80% of the time and enjoy yourself & indulge 20% of the time. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Don’t deny yourself things you love and enjoy or being healthy will become a chore.
  3. Recruit A Friend/Join A Challenge. Studies have shown that people stick to a program when they have someone to help keep them accountable. You’re less likely to skip a workout if you’re meeting a friend at the gym. You’ll be less likely to over-indulge at the party Saturday if you have a weigh-in on Monday. Need a Challenge idea? Sign up for a holiday 5K! If you have a concrete goal to work toward you’ll be more likely to stick to your program.
  4. Bring Healthy Snacks To Parties. There is always a healthy option. You could bring a fruit tray or a veggie tray with Guacamole and, seriously, who doesn’t LOVE Guacamole!? You’ll have something healthy to munch on and the host/hostess will love you for contributing to the party.
  5. Move More & Get More Steps In! This one could be pretty easy, if you think about it. Everyone is out shopping and running around during the holidays. Park further away from the entrances and take the stairs instead of the elevators. Going shopping with a friend? Turn your pedometers on and see who can get the most steps at the end of the day! Whatever you do, just….MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!!
  6. Set Realistic Goals! Want to lose a couple pounds before the office Christmas party (btw… we can help with that, CONTACT US)? DO IT! Found a fabulous outfit you need to wear to Auntie’s house for Christmas, but you need to get down a half size? GET IT! Be mindful of your goals… You’re not going to show off your 6 pack abs on Christmas vacation if you haven’t been working on them all year. Concentrate more on maintaining your hard work from the year while enjoying yourself during the season. It only comes once a year!
  7. Get Your Workouts In First Thing. Plan your workouts for first thing in the morning. You’re less likely to skip a scheduled morning workout and you won’t be filled with excuses, errands and “To Do’s” that accumulate throughout the day.
  8. Be Selective With Drinks. I know, we all love those festive, Peppermint Mocha whatevers. But that “Peppermint Mocha something delicious”… is a disaster as far as calorie content! Since everything is wonderful in moderation, have your Peppermint Mocha whatever but limit it to one. Switch to something a bit lower cal and you’ll thank yourself in the morning. Also, if you’re at a party, try having a glass of water between each drink. You could try having a glass of seltzer with a splash of lime/cranberry if you want to continue feeling the party atmosphere minus the guilt.
  9. Focus on Protein. By adding more Protein to your diet, you will wind up eating less. Protein will make you feel fuller, longer and is essential in muscle building and organ function. Try loading your plate up with Protein sources first and you’ll be less likely to reach for those cookies and sweets.
  10. Learn To Say No! It’s sometimes hard to say no to an extra treat or a party. Peer pressure can be a crazy thing. Don’t let someone talk you into an extra something (a bite, a party) if it’s not what you want. You shouldn’t feel the need to apologize for wanting to eat well or live a healthy lifestyle. Find a balance between working toward your goals and indulging occasionally.
man doing yoga

It’s Easy To Stay On Track During The Holidays!

You can find a balance between maintaining your healthy lifestyle and indulging during the holidays. Remember, it only happens once a year so enjoy yourself while staying on track! Find what works for you and your schedule. Remember, small progress is still progress! Baby steps count!

As always, feel free to Reach out, Contact Us or leave a comment:

Disclaimer: This post is meant to offer suggestions and is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional. This information should never be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition. Please consult your Physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise program. FittHappens assumes no responsibility for any injury or damage sustained by any opinions or advice given in this article.